Welcome to our Governors' section
Hello and a warm welcome to the Governors page on Merdon Junior School's website. We hope you find the information you are looking for as well as profiles about each member of the governing body who play a key role in the school and the community. The governing body forms part of the leadership team and holds the Headteacher and wider school leadership team to account for the educational performance of the school, its pupils and the performance management of staff.
We are fortunate to have a really strong mix of Governors at Merdon, with a Governing body made up of different types of Governors (Local Authority Nominated Governors, Parent, Staff and Co-opted Governors). Our Governing body acts collectively for decision making, taking responsibility at a strategic level and acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher and staff.
Please help us by using our open door policy to discuss any issues. Governors can be contacted through the Clerk by emailing
To find out more about becoming a governor in a Hampshire School follow the link below:
Merdon Junior School Full Governing Body
Alex Guthrie, Co-opted Parent Governor
Chair of Governors, Pay Committee, Finance
Hi, I'm Alex, I joined as a Co-opted Governor at Merdon in November 2021. I live in Eastleigh, have 3 children and work in Financial Services.
As co-Vice chair of the Governing Board, along with Vicky Mariner, I support Mark Read-Jones as the Chair of Governors. I currently offer support on the Headteacher Performance Management Review Committee, Finance Committee and the Pay Committee. As part of my role on the finance committee, I work alongside Mark to complete the annual School Financial Values Statement (SFVS) that monitors the budget and effective use within the school.
I really enjoy my role as Governor which enables me to use my skills and experience to give something back to the community. Steering the strategic direction of Merdon and doing everything we can as Governors to achieve best for all is something I am proud of.
Vicky Robinson, Vice Chair of Governors, Parent Governor
Safeguarding and staff and pupil wellbeing
Hi, I’m Vicky (Mum to my son who attends Merdon) and I became a parent governor in the summer of 2021.
I have 20 years’ experience working in Human Resources and Learning & Development, which includes coaching Managers and Directors to get the best out of their teams. I also work for the NHS and NCT as a breastfeeding counsellor/antenatal teacher supporting new parents in hospital and within the community.
I am co-Vice chair of the board of governors and support Alex Guthrie as the Chair of Governors. I also oversee safeguarding for the school. This involves regular visits to Merdon, going through cases (anonymously) with the leadership team to make sure we are doing absolutely everything we can to keep our children safe. I regularly meet with groups of children to hear what they think about safety in school, review ongoing staff training of safeguarding and check all the documentation is up to date.
Being a governor is incredibly rewarding. It allows us to be part of helping to shape the strategic direction of the school and ensure that Merdon continues to be a warm, welcoming community for all children to thrive and achieve their best.
Peter Martin, Co-opted Governor
Health and Safety, Pay Committee, Safeguarding
Hello, my name is Peter and I started being a parent governor in 2008 when my son started attending Merdon. It was so rewarding that after my son left I decided to continue as a co-opted Governor.
As a governor I am able to use my previous experience and knowledge to fulfil my strategic role in Health & Safety and Safeguarding. I have enjoyed contributing to the effective governance and success of the school over the years and I will continue to do this to the best of my ability.
Most of my career has been in retail and I have plenty of experience as a department manager and trainer in one of the UK’s top supermarkets. After nearly 4 decades, I made a very ‘scary’ decision; I decided to go self employed as a driving instructor and have never looked back!
Catherine Biggs, Parent Governor
Finance Committee
Hello, my name is Catherine and I joined the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in Spring 2024. Our son currently attends Merdon Junior School and is really enjoying it. I moved to the area in 2021 after working as an academic in Higher Education for more than 20 years in both Sheffield and Newcastle. Currently I volunteer as an advisor for national cancer research charities to ensure the new research they fund effectively involves patients and the public.
I already feel part of the school community and so I joined the Governing Body as an opportunity to apply my skills and lived experience with a passion to support children’s education. I believe all children, of all capabilities, should have access to good quality education in an inspiring and supportive environment. I am looking forward to challenging, supporting and helping shape the strategic direction of the school.
Helen Symmonds, Co-opted Governor
SEND and Behaviour link Governor, Curriculum Committee, Complaints Committee
I moved to Chandler’s Ford in June 2022 and joined the Governors in May 2023. I had always promised myself that when we were settled I would become a school Governor. As I had spent the whole of my career in teaching I felt I could not only help to support the school but also I would be able to understand the pressures of teaching and the education system as a whole. I believe very strongly that all children should have the support needed to reach their potential.
Throughout my career I worked for Hampshire and Portsmouth, initially as a class teacher in Middle, Junior and Primary schools. I then became an Inclusion leader being the school lead in SEND and Behaviour. I supported parents as well as being responsible for Child Protection. I believe that this experience can help me support Merdon Junior School in a strategic role.
Clerk: Jane Bliss
Full Governing Body Meetings 2022-2023
Governor Information
Attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings (2021-2022)
Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | Full Governing Board | ||
Governor | Governor Type | 23 Sep 2021 | 17 Nov 2021 | 15 Dec 2021 | 19 Jan 2022 | 16 Feb 2022 | 30 Mar 2022 | 04 May 2022 | 15 Jun 2022 | 13 Jul 2022 |
Dr Elizabeth Bewley | Co-opted governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N | Y |
Ms Jane Bliss | Clerk | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Miss Sarah Cunningham | Staff governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Ben Dolbear | Co-opted governor | Y | N | N | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y |
Mr Carl Furgusson | Co-opted governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N |
Alex Guthrie | Co-opted governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N | Y | N |
Mr Peter Martin | Co-opted governor | Y | N | Y | Y | N | N | Y | N | N |
Ms Claire Martin | Headteacher | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N |
Mr Mark Read-Jones | Co-opted governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Mr John Reynolds | Co-opted governor | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | N |
Vicky Robinson | Parent governor | Y | N | N | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | Y |
Ms Kate Sonpal | Parent governor | Y | Y | Y | Y | N | Y | Y | Y | Y |