Safeguarding our children
At Merdon, we highly regard the safeguarding and wellbeing of our children and staff. In order to ensure that we maintain high standards in safeguarding, every member of staff undertakes high qualify training to support our approach.
All of our staff have received safeguarding training and we have clear guidelines within our safeguarding and child protection policies which we adhere to.
Please come and speak to a member of staff at any time if you have any concerns about the welfare of any of our children. We can also support you with advice and guidance on safeguarding including E-Safety.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads are Rosemary Diskin, Headteacher & Sarah Rowe, Deputy Headteacher.
The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Carole Pugh, Senior Admin Officer and Nikki Caine, Family Support Worker.
Safeguarding Curriculum
- Online Safety embedded across the curriculum and within Computing lessons
- Weekly online safety handouts shared with families each week
- Google - Be Internet Legends Assembly
- Bikeability
- Swimming lessons
- NSPCC Speak out, Stay Safe assembly
- SCARF - Life Education Visit as part of PSHE lessons, making decisions and risk taking
Helpline to report abuse in education
The Department of Education has worked alongside the NSPCC to launch a new helpline called Report Abuse in Education. This helpline is available for children and young people who:
- would like to share current and non-recent experiences of abuse or harassment
- want to talk about any incidents they have been involved in or witnessed
The helpline is also available for parents and carers who have concerns or need support or have experienced non-recent abuse.
At Merdon, children are encouraged to 'Tell a trusted adult' if they feel uncomfortable, worried or have any concerns. This could be a teacher, LSA, office staff or member of the Senior Leadership Team. It might also be an adult or relation at home over the age of 18. These messages are shared through regular assemblies and within classroom practice.