School Uniform
Skoolkit and Flamingo Price List
The uniform consists of:
Red school polo shirt or plain white shirt
Grey/black trousers or plain grey skirt/pinafore dress
(school uniform style)
Red school sweatshirt/sweatshirt cardigan
Red reversible fleece/waterproof jacket (optional)
Black or brown shoes, NOT training shoes
White/black or grey socks/tights
Summer dress - red/white gingham or stripes (optional)
Red baseball cap (optional)
Hair styles – longer hair tied back and no extreme fashion cuts/colours or fancy hair bands.
Sports Clothes:
Black shorts
White T-shirt
Suitable trainers or plimsolls for indoor and outdoor P.E.
Plain black sweatshirt (no hoodies) and plain black tracksuit bottoms (during cold weather)
Children will wear their PE kit to school on days that they have PE lessons.
Pencil cases are not needed as all necessary equipment is provided by school.
Most of the above items, including the school sweatshirt, can be purchased from Skoolkit, 31 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9FF. Telephone number: 023 80629095 or Flamingo Clothing, Telephone number: 07951 941183 https://www.flamingo-clothing.school/
You can now buy second hand uniform from our online shop. Please register at our PTA Website, https://www.pta-events.co.uk/merdonassociation, and snap up some bargains.
All items may be bought from wider providers, such as supermarkets, including second hand retailers. School jumpers and polo shirts with the Merdon logo can only be bought from Skoolkit or Flamingo Clothing.