After we discovered the Dragon Fruit in the copse, we cut it opened and looked carefully at what we found inside. No dragons! We did, however, use our sketching skills to draw what we saw and coloured our drawings using watercolours.

Ready for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we have been practising skills in our sketch books. We looked closely at different outfits the Queens wears. We noticed lots of hats (with decorations), brooches and pearls. We looked at the colours she likes to wear. We tried to draw what we saw carefully and used watercolours and coloured pencils to finish them. We are now ready to create our portraits of the Queen next week.

Portraits of the Queen...

Amazing Dragon Eyes
After looking closely at some examples of clay dragon eyes, we planned our own and practised our skills before creating our own amazing dragon eyes. What colours do you think we should paint them?