Creative Curriculum
Week 1
Science - we have been learning about the parts of a flowering plant and the role that each part plays.

Week 2
In music this week we listened to a piece of music called ‘Firebird’ by the Russian composer Igor Stravinsky. After discussing how this made us feel, we painted a response to the music.
We practised our colour mixing with watercolours

Week 3
Europe North kicked off the week with a Design and Technology morning, building carts for tiny folk who might live in the woods. We designed, measured, sawed and glued...’s our amazing work!
MinPin carts
Today Europe South have taken on the challenge of building their Minpin carts. I am pleased to report that everyone still has all of their fingers and all of the children have produced some amazing carts!
Thank you very much to the wonderful parent helpers, this project would not have been possible without your help!
To finish off out very busy but very exciting week, Europe South heading outside to complete an investigation linked to seed dispersal. They made paper spinners then changed one variable to see what effect this would have. We changed things such as the weight, size and material.

Week 4
In PSHE today, we worked in groups to do some role play to explore how it might feel to be “ in someone else’s shoes”.
We visited Chandlers Ford library to apply our library skills knowledge to a different library. A few Year 6 children helped us with the challenges. It certainly was a success!
Week 5
If you go into the might see some fantastic art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.

Week 6
We had an amazing day at Hillier’s Gardens. We were very artistic!