Week 1
This week, we started our new poetry unit linked to cats. During our lessons, we explored what onomatopoeia and assonance are and why we use them in poems before coming up with our own examples of these features.

Week 2
We started the week enjoying reading a variety of poems about cats before moving onto focusing on the poem 'Scat Cat' by Eleanor Farjeon. We were able to identify examples of assonance and onomatopoeia and use them to help us to write a taster verse of a poem about a dog chasing a cat.
Week 3
This week, we continued our poetry unit by planning and writing our own poem about a cat chasing a mouse using assonance and onomatopoeia. After working hard to write our 3 verses, we published our poems in neat ready to display around the school.
Week 4
This week, we were introduced to our new text called Odd and the Frost Giant. We enjoyed listening to chapter 1 and writing a description of Odd using fronted adverbials and conjunctions.
Week 5
This week, we learned about how to punctuate speech by following a set of key rules.
Week 6
This week, noticed that a chapter of our book was missing so our challenge was to write a missing chapter using the previous chapter and the beginning of the next chapter to help us fill in the gaps. First, we planned our chapter before writing it using fronted adverbials, conjunctions and direct speech.