In English, we are continuing to read the Boy at the Back of the Class written by Onjali Q Raúf.
We started the half term by learning about subordinate clauses and subordinating conjunctions. We discovered that you can vary their location in the sentence to change the effect on the reader.

Next, we applied our knowledge of subordinate clauses to our piece of writing in which we predicted what the children’s ‘greatest idea in the world’ was going to be, in order to ensure that Ahmet could see his family again.

Throughout the unit, we have also enjoyed reading for pleasure and practising our reading comprehension skills in order to demonstrate our understanding of what we have read. These have included summarising, drawing inferences, selecting and retrieving information and defining vocabulary.
Furthermore, we planned and wrote a description of Buckingham Palace as if we were the 2 of the characters approaching the building, during their adventure to hand a letter to the Queen’s Special Guard.