Week beginning 19th October
This week we have continued to look at places in the school grounds and have written an information guide. We tried to use our expanded noun phrases and prepositions of place.

Week beginning 12th October
On Monday, we were introduced to our new text 'Tidy' which was about a Badger called Pete who wanted his habitat to be neat and tidy. Little did he realise that he would loose his home when he decided to tarmac the forest because he felt that it was unsightly!

Week beginning 5th October
On Monday, we received a letter from Mrs Martin asking us to write a recipe for her favourite Halloween dish of pumpkin soup. First, we learnt how to make pumpkin soup and then we wrote our recipes, ensuring that we included time adverbials, imperative verbs and adverbs.

After we shared the story 'How to Wash A woolly Mammoth', We applied our learning about writing instructions to a new task. We wrote our own instructions including all the skills we have been learning this week...
- Time adverbials First, next....finally
- Imperative verbs Put, pour, massage
- Adverb Carefully, slowly, gently, thoroughly.
Week Beginning 28th September

Later, we read the book - Pumpkin Soup and used context to help us work out the meaning of unfamiliar words.
We ended the week looking at the features of instructions ready to write our own recipes next week.

Week beginning 21st September
This week we have continued to read Little Red and the Very Hungry Lion which led us to discover that both Little Red and the Lion both had a plan. Then we S planned each of the plans and retold them in an interesting way including expanded noun phrases, time adverbials and conjunctions in our writing.
Week beginning 14th September

Can you spell these words?
Spelling Rule
Adding the suffixes -ment and -ness
Pay + -ment = payment
treat + -ment - treatment
kind + -ness = kindness
dark + -ness = darkness
I wonder what will happen to happy when we add - ness?
happy + ness = happiness
Week Beginning 7th September

Can you spell these words?
Spelling Rule
Adding -er, -ing, -est and -ed to words ending in -y
copy - copied
smelly - smelliest