Where are rivers located and how do we describe the location?
Today we learnt about OS maps. We looked at the symbols used and what they represent. We learnt about how to use 4 and 6 figure grid references. We then used the OS maps in groups to record the location of the different rivers we could identify in the are of OS map we were given.
What is the journey of a river?
We watched videos and used different sources of information (topic books from our library, information pinned to the walls in the classroom, each other and a website) in order to learn about the different stages of a river as it travels for the mountain to the sea. Here are some of the presentations we made to show what we had learnt.

What is the water cycle?
In order to understand rivers, we first need to know about the water cycle as the part that rivers play in it. We watched videos and used different sources of information around the room to find out. We then drew an illustration to explain the cycle.