Homework Summary - 18.10.18
Maths - maths homework is set on Mathletics is based on adding 3 digit numbers.
Spellings - Spelling homework, set on Spelling Shed, this week is based on next term's topic - The Ancient Egyptians. The words to be learnt are:
Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh, tomb, pyramid, mummy, mummification, burial.
Homework Summary 4/10/18 (Due 9/10/18)
Maths homework this week is all about recognising place value of numbers to 1000. It can be found on the Mathletics website. Your child’s password is now on the inside cover of their Home School Learning book.
Spelling homework is continuing to learn prefixes that make a word mean the opposite.
The words are:
illegal, illegible, immature, immortal, impossible, impatient, imperfect, irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible.
The prefixes this week are il-, im- and ir-. The children will be learning the rules to help them know which prefix to use:
If the root word starts with ‘l’ then the prefix is ‘il
If the root word starts with ‘r’ then the prefix is ‘ir’
If the root word starts with ‘p’ or a ‘m’ then the prefix is ‘im’.
Homework Summary 27.9.18 (Due in 2.10.18)
Maths - This week we have been learning about rounding numbers. Homework can be found on the Mathletics website.
Spelling - This week we have been learning about the prefix in-. Homework can be found on the Spelling Shed website.
The list children will be tested on is:
incorrect, inactive, invisible, insecure, incurable, indefinite, inflexible, inability, inadequate, inelegant
Homework Summary 20.9.18 (Due in 25.9.18)
Maths - This week we have been learning about place value. Homework can be found on the Mathletics website.
Spelling - This week we have been learning about homophones. Homework can be found on the Spelling Shed website.
The list children will be tested on is:
peace, piece, accept, except, weather, whether, plain, plane