This week we are looking at the common homophone spelling errors we tend to make in our writing. Most children will find spelling the words easy however, the focus is about knowing the meaning of the words and spelling the correct one in a sentence.
Group 1 and 2:
to, two, too, here, hear, of, off, there, their, they're
Group 3
to, two, hear, here, there, they're, of, off
This week the homework task is to practice the 6 and 9 times tables. The children have been learning about multiplication and division fact families this week. We would like the children to practice these skills with the tasks we have set.
Homework 5.12.19
This week the children have been learning to multiply and divide by 10 and 100. Mathletics doesn’t have any specific activities for the children to practice these skills so this week we would like the children to practice their rapid recall of number facts by spending 30 minutes on Mathletics live.
Homework: 28/11/19
This week we have been learning tricky words from the Year 4 spelling list. In class, we have discussed which parts of the word make it difficult to spell and decorating them to help remember this.
Group 1:
complete, continue, experiment, famous, favourite, February, naughty, material, knowledge, remember
Group 2:
animal, couldn't, shouldn't, wouldn't, doesn't, didn't, with, monster
This week the maths homework is linked to our Rockstar Timestables learning. We have set the children an activity to practice their 6 times tables.
Homework 21.11.19
This week we have been learning how adding the suffix -ly changes an adjective into an adverb. We have also learnt how there are some rules to remember when adding -ly:
1) Simply add ly, eg. wild - wildly
2) If the word ends in y, change the y to i and add ly, eg. happy - happily
3) If the word ends in e, drop the e and add ly
Group 1 words:
sadly, completely, wildly, bravely, gently, foolishly, proudly, horribly, nervously, happily
Group 2 words:
happy, happily, angry, angrily, lucky, luckily, easy, easily
This week we have been learning how to find and calculate the perimeter. Our home work practices the skills we have learnt in class.
Homework 14.11.19
This week we are learning about the -ation suffix, the suffix that changes a verb to a noun.
Group 1 words:
information, sensation, vibration, decoration, donation, duration, population, relation, station, location
Group 2 words:
because, great, idea, friend, picture, through, before, another
The maths homework this week is to practice column subtraction. The children may find it helpful to do the drawings that we have used in class, on paper, while working out the answers on the screen.
Homework 7.11.19
This week we are learning to spell "Challenge" words - these are words that are often spelled incorrectly by children because there are "tricky bits" in the words:
Group 1:
calendar, appear, believe, grammar, increase, interest, opposite, straight, strength, women
Group 2:
wouldn't, couldn't, doesn't, haven't, can't, don't
In maths this week we have been learning how to subtract using the column method. However for homework we would like to the children to practice how to add using the column method which we learnt about before half term.