Can something be fiction and non-fiction?
To start our instructions unit we went for a walk around the school grounds and collected words and phrase as we followed a map to different destinations.

Taking snippets of Neil Gaiman's poem, ‘Instructions’ the children thought about whether the words or phrases came from a fiction or non-fiction text.

We then looked at different word classes in the poem. These included noun phrases, modal verbs, imperative verbs and prepositions. We then used these words to describe some of the things we had on our map.

Next we listen to the poem.
After a Let’s Think In English lesson where we looked at the book Journey by Aaron Becker we looked at the sequel Quest.
We then used some of the features of the Instructions poem and ensured we used the word classes we had identified. We looked at sentence structures and the sentence pattern using subordinating conjunctions to start our sentences.

Next we read the final book in the trilogy, ‘Return’.
Our task was to write a set of instructions for the father in the story to follow. First we drafted our instructions then we edited them-we use green pen to show our editing.
Once we had edited our work we published our instructions.