In our Let’s Think Lesson we looked at the poem by Neil Gaiman called ‘Instructions’.
First we had lines from the poem that needed to be ordered - in order of usefulness.
We then shared our thoughts with each other, we built on and challenged each other ideas.
We looked at the whole poem and discuss the characters and events within it. We then thought about the links we could make. We had lots of ideas and we shared them with each other.
We also discussed the relationship between the speaker and listener and who they might be.
We then in our groups wrote lines to create a class advisory poem.
Walk to the door, and put your hand upon it.
Think what may be behind, or leap without a second thought.
Trust the squirrels, they will keep your secrets that will never be told again.
Go to the building, but don’t trust the stranger.
You will never know the proper truth-why people act the way they do.
Behind every mask the truth comes out, whether you like it or not, you’ll fall in love without a doubt.
If you see the silver gate go through it, then continue for a mile.
You shall find a hungry cat, feed it, you can then travel to your dreams.
The share kindness with the world and never stop.
Always pay ferocious and unwavering attention to the world around you, you will then be safe.
Never trust the man in the black cloak,
When you spot the person in the window run.
Always remember the code of wishes.
Put your hand on the door,
Be careful they might bite,
As you enter don’t say anything or touch anything.
Be wary they they’re always watching.
If you ever find a rose under a glass, don’t be afraid to pick it.
Beauty can also be a beast.
And remember there are always two sides to a story.
Touch the stone door as you glide through.
Say thank you as it closes
Inside sits an old woman,
Give her what she wants and she will let you pass.
Let people guide you when troubled,
If you lack hope you must retry
Fooling puzzles get you in a twist.
Escape temptations of power and greed: it is not worth it.
Trust your heart, trust yourself.
Sometimes it is not easy, but friends and family can help.
If somebody needs care, if somebody needs help, care for them, help them.
Walk through the gate of life say ‘Please’ before you enter.
Go through and walk down the path because everyone is looking for a friend like you.
Be kind, remember your manners and you will fly through life,
Remember to spend every second of it with people you love.