Week Beginning 2nd November
Week Beginning 9th November

Week Beginning 16th November
This week, we continued focusing on subtract a multiple of ten from a 3 digit number, for example 319 - 40. We discovered that we need to exchange 1 hundred for 10 tens in order to carry out the calculation.
Later in the week, we moved onto applying our new knowledge to problem solving. We all worked brilliantly with our coaching partners to find all of the possible solutions.

Week beginning 7th December
We have been working with larger numbers using both addition and subtraction. We have tackled problems with exchanges in different columns and sometimes with 2 exchanges. We are using a mixture of mental, pictorial and column method depending on the questions

Week beginning 14th December
We have worked really hard on our addition and subtraction calculations. How would you solve each of these questions? Which ones are easier and which have some regrouping?
236 + 347 614 + 152 363 + 264
573 - 132 219 - 163 461 - 224