Addition and Subtraction
We have had a busy few weeks working towards our target of using vertical method to show our working out of addition and subtraction with exchange.
We started our journey by recapping our place value work and also our mental maths fluency by solving questions like...
18 + 4 = 18 + 2 + 2 = 22 and
41 - 7 = 41 - 1 - 6 = 34
Bridging through 10 is making this kind of calculation quicker!
Next we worked on using the vertical expanded and non-expanded methods to help us solve HTO +/- HTO with crossing of boundaries. Sometimes we had to think back to our pictorial methods to help us with our understanding.
Look at the photo of the working wall to see our journey.
Multiplication and Division
This week we have been recapping our prior learning on multiplication.
We have been exploring what happens when you multiply larger numbers by 10.
Next, we used concrete, pictorial and abstract methods to work on multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.
eg. 13 x 2, 21 x 4, 17 x 5 and 35 x 4.
We have been looking at the link between multiplication and division and using our times tables to help us divide larger numbers.
We tackled questions collaboratively and independently...