We have been working hard at telling the time.
Can you...
Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes?
We practised counting and making different amounts using notes and coins. We realised we needed to be able to count in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, 20s, and 50s.
We have moved on to adding amounts of money..
£3 and 45 pence + £2 and 23 pence
After all of our learning about money...
Counting amounts, making amounts, converting between pounds and pence and just pence and adding and subtracting money, we moved onto learning about 2D shape.
Shapes we should know...
We have been using the words..
parallel, perpendicular, horizontal and vertical.
We have also been looking at 2D shapes, naming than and describing their properties.
How many sides do they have?
How many lines of symmetry?
Are they regular or irregular?