Addition and Subtraction
We used our recall skills to practice our mental calculations. Using the new whiteboard tables was a fun way to record our work.
Multiplication and Division
We have been interpreting and using arrays. We tied really hard not to muddle rows and columns.
For our division work, we have been looking at ways we can represent both grouping and sharing questions.
Today we looked really closely at the 3x table. We worked together to show different representations.
Today we have continued our learning of the 3x table. This time we have been looking closely at division word problems and trying to figure out if they were grouping or sharing problems. We used number lines and bar models to help us find the answers.
We have been thinking about wholes and parts. We cut up a shape into parts and tried to put it back together.
Exploring equal and unequal parts
Today, we have been building our understanding of unit fractions and using the stem sentences like...
The whole has been split into ____ equal parts.
____ part is shaded.
The fractions is ________!