Week beginning 19th October
This week we have been adding 2 digit to 1 digit numbers and 3 digit to 1 digit numbers, crossing over the tens boundary. eg 67 + 8 and 436 + 7
Have a look at some of the fantastic learning:

Week Beginning 12th October
This week we have been busy working on our mental maths skills and being able to add ones to a HTO number without crossing the tens boundary.
eg 343 +6, 405 + 3
We also had a go at subtraction too. 658 - 4

Week Beginning 5th October
Wow Year 3! Another really busy week of learning in Maths. We have been comparing and ordering numbers to 1000 and using the symbols > and < in number sentences.
We then moved onto looking at number facts which will help us out with our addition and subtraction work over the next few weeks.

Week Beginning 28th September
This week we have been working on labelling numbers on a number 0 to 1000. We have been counting in 1s, 2s, 10s and 5s.
We have also been getting quicker at finding 1, 10 and 100 more or less than a number and talking about the patterns we notice.

Week beginning 21st September
This week we have been exploring how to partition 3 digit numbers into HTO in different ways, for example:

We ended the week looking at numbers on a number line up to 100

Week beginning 14th September
This week, we have started focusing on our ten times table through our daily Times Table Rockstars. Also we have been focussing on representing 3 digit numbers to 1000, including multiples of 100 and 10 using tens frames and counters. Here are some of the key facts that we have discovered this week.

We have also been using STEM SENTENCES to explain our understanding of Place Value.
345 = 3 hundreds, 4 tens and 5 ones
345 = 300 + 40 + 5
We have used different representations to show our numbers.