Making Decisions
This lesson explores how we make important decisions in our lives, who influences us and how best we make difficult decisions.
Our Special People and Relationships
Some of the children may be missing some of their family and close friends. The presentation and activities below explore this issue and help them think of ways they can keep in touch or let those they love know they are thinking about them.
What is Coronavirus?
Are you wondering what all the fuss is about? Are you feeling worried? This publication explains in child speak what coronavirus is, how it may affect you and how you can keep your worries at bay. Read it with your parents to help you understand better.
Being Healthy is all about....
Eating Well
Take this opportunity with your children to talk to them about eating healthily and exercising as part of looking after themselves.
This website has some great ideas to get you started!
Sleeping Well
Are you finding it hard to get to sleep with this new lifestyle of home learning and being in the house more? If so, try this lesson with a parent and see if any of the ideas help you.
Looking After Your Teeth
Make sure you keep up with your usual routines. This powerpoint and accompanying activities will teach you why this is so important.