Week 3 (14th to 20th June)
I hope you are finding time to try some of the 30 days wild challenges - remember to send photos for the website (outdoorlearning@merdonschool.co.uk)
Here are the challenges for this week:
Monday 14th - search for a mini wilderness. Lichens, forests of moss and flowers in pavements.
Tuesday 15th June - whistle with grass. Use a thick blade of grass between your thumbs.
Wednesday 16th June - sketch up close. Use a pencil to capture the detail, shapes and texture.
Thursday 17th June - quiz your friends. Write a wildlife quiz to challenge friends.
Friday 18th June - spot a wild mammal. From urban squirrels, foxes or deer to country hares.
Saturday 19th June - scatter seedbombs. Throw seeds and soil in hard to reach places.
Sunday 20th June - keep a note of wildlife. List the species that you see from your window.