Painting Christmas Baubles
Today, visitors came to our school to teach us how to paint Christmas baubles for our Christmas trees at home.
Our final wave image compositions
Here are some of the completed multi media wave images produced by Year 5. We are so proud of them and will be putting them on display!
How can we use all the skills we have learnt to produce an image of a wave?
The children planned their own wave image today. They considered the composition of their image and what materials they would use, based on their experiences over the last three weeks art lessons. Here are some of the plans.
How can we create shade and tone using oil pastels?
Today we used oil pastels to create different effects. We learnt how to do hatching, blending and etching. We then used the different skills to create wave images.
How can we use paint to create different tone and shade?
First we learnt how to change the tone and shade of blue by adding either white, black or both to our original colour of blue.We then used different techniques And the colours we had made to create wave images using paint.
How can we use pattern to create different effects?
Today we explored how to create different effects on waves using patterns that we practised beforehand.
How can we create different effects using pencils?
Today we explored how to create different tones, shades and lines using sketching pencils of varying darkness.