Creative Curriculum
Week 1
This week we have had our Hook Day and we have started to explore the difference between Human and Physical Geography.
Our Geography enquiry statement is...
Chandlers Ford is linked to all 7 Continents.
What do you think?
Week 2
Our plant hospitals are now open and we have been trying to bring some sad plants back to life.
We revised our knowledge of what plants needs to grow healthily from Year 2 and will continue to look after them. Each class still has one empty ‘bed’
Week 3
This week we have had our RE week. In year 3 we have focused on Hinduism and had the wonderful experience of a visit to a Hindu Temple. There were interesting things to see, smell and hear.

Week 4
This week we have been looking at our artist focus for this half term, David Hockney. The children learnt lots of facts about this amazing artist and have even had a go at finishing off a snippet from some of his most famous paintings!

Week 5
This week we started off with a whole day making music!
We started by listening to an amazing sound and vocal composition by British composer Kerry Andrews. It is called “ No Place Like” and you can hear it here...
We went on a sound walk around the centre of Chandlers Ford, making notes of all the different sounds we could hear.

Creating and composing
When we got back, we worked together all day to create our own composition based on sounds and thoughts about “home”.
The results were great!

Seed dispersal
Continuing our learning about plants, we discovered how seeds are dispersed and spread around. We went for a hunt around the field to find seed dispersal evidence - we found lots!