Creative Curriculum
Geography Fieldwork
This afternoon, we went out in the school grounds to investigate whether the school is diverse or not in order to apply some of the geographical skills we’ve been learning in class. We worked in groups. We chose three locations to compare. In each location, we listened to sounds, recorded what we saw and drew the different views. We realised that our school is a very diverse location!

Science - Solids, Liquids and Gases
Today, we started our new Science topic by sorting and grouping solids liquids and gases using the knowledge of the properties we learnt about in the lesson previously.

Uk Landscapes
We learnt all about the features of different landscapes (farmland, coast, mountains, rivers, forest and city) and then we used the atlases to identify places in the UK that had these types of landscapes and why.
In our groups, we then had to build the landscape using any materials we wanted, showing all the features we had learnt about,

What and where is the UK?
Today we started our new topic about the UK. We started by having a go at drawing our own map of the UK...

What are the geographical features of the UK?
We made layered maps in order to compare different features of the UK. We started by tracing the outline of the UK, then we used atlases to add geographical features such as rivers, cities, land height or roads. We stuck the tracing paper layers on top of each other. This enabled us to make conclusions about features such as cities are close to rivers, cities tend to be on lower land etc.