How do we publish our work?
Year 5 have been working hard this week planning and writing an explanation text about the process of mummification used in Ancient Egyptian times. Today they were publishing their work, with fantastic results!
How do we write a poem?
As part of our work linked to National Poetry Day, we tried writing a MORERAPS poem, inspired by Joseph Coelho.
MORERAPS stands for metaphors, onomatopoeia, rhyme, emotion, repetition, alliteration, personification and simile! The children were challenged to choose a subject and then form a poem by writing one sentence for each of the literary devices. The results were amazing!
What are the features of an explanation text?
Yesterday, we read a text explaining how to mummify a body. We identified all the features of an explanation text. Today we looked at another example of an explanation text- how to build a pyramid. We labelled the features we could remember from yesterday’s lesson with our partner.

How do we edit our letter to make it even better?
Today we learnt how to work with a partner to edit our work. We learnt that we need to go through each item on our editing checklist, slowly and carefully to ensure we have checked everything we need to.
What are the features of a complaint letter?
after analysing the features of an example of a complaint had to unscramble sections from two letters. We then identified the features we had previously discussed. We worked in pairs!

How do authors publish their writing?
After carefully editing our writing and responding to any marking feedback from our teachers, we published our finished versions of the diary and produced a booklet.

How do authors write a effective diary entry?
Today, we used all the features we have learnt about to write a diary entry for Lil, the main character in our class text. We focussed on writing in first person and past tense, making sure everything was in chronological order. We also included thoughts and feelings and careful language choice to ensure we had an informal tone.

How do authors plan a diary entry?
Today, we planned a diary entry for Lil, the main character in our class reader. We thought about the events of the day she had just had and how she felt at each stage.