Homework 23.11.18
In Spelling this week, we have been learning about the -ed suffix when making a verb the past tense. When -ed is added to a verb, there are a few different rules the children need to remember:
Most words - add -ed
Words ending in e -remove the e and add -ed
Words ending in y - change the y to an i, add -ed
Words with a short vowel followed by a consonant - double the consonant and add -ed
The words in the following list, which many children spell wrong in their writing, follow these rules:
happened, walked, called, answered, laughed
dropped, dragged
hurried, replied
Some children may have the following list:
called, jumped, walked
hopped, jogged
fried, lied, spied
Maths can be found on the Mathletics website and is a range of questions supporting the work done in class on addition and subtraction.