Day 1
The children have settled in and slept, we are now well into day 2 with the sun shining. Already the children have faced some new challenges with activities such as balance beam, 3G swing and fencing. We are all looking forward to the beach this afternoon.

Day 2
15,672 steps, a culver walk and beach adventure all squeezed into a lovely, sunny Tuesday. The children have had a fantastic day doing many more new activities.
Day 3:
Year 5 are currently wrapping up ready to head out this evening for a campfire. We’ve had another busy day (not as many steps) full of new activities:areoball, laser tag, 3G swing and bushcraft.
Day 4:
Wet! Wet! Wet! Our final full day has started with heavy rain but it’s not stopped us. Groups have just headed off to bushcraft, archery and the obstacle course. Parents please be ready for wet and rather muddy clothes! We will see you all tomorrow.
What a fantastic week!
The children were excellent and represented the school brilliantly. Every single one of them pushed themselves and tried new things; all the staff are extremely proud of what they achieved. We hope you enjoy looking at the photos. Enjoy half term!
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak