Learning Activities during a School Closure
Welcome back Year 5!
We hope you and your families are well and were able to enjoy half term in the lovely sunshine we had. Below is the link to a page called 'From the mountain to the sea' where you will find all your new learning for our final half term.
Hello Year 5!
Mrs Holyoak and I would like to say a massive 'WELL DONE' to you all over the last few weeks. So many of you have been doing fantastic things at home, whether that be the activities we have put up online or other things you have come up with yourselves or with your families. We have loved seeing, hearing and reading everything you've been sending us.
It is half term next week so we will not be putting anything up on the Year 5 pages, however if you are looking for any ideas to keep you busy then look at the Wider School Activities page as there are lots of ideas on there.
Enjoy half term, it looks like we are going to have lots of sunshine and we will be back with our next Geography topic (my favourite!!!) soon.
Take care,
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak
Welcome back Year 5!
We hope you and your families are well and were able to enjoy Easter!! Below is the link to a page called 'It's all Greek to me' which is where all your new learning will be for this Summer term whilst we are learning about the Greeks.
Good afternoon Year 5 and parents,
We hope you’ve had a great week! Thank you to everyone who has sent in pictures for us to see. Mrs Holyoak and I have made a start looking at your new learning for after the Easter holidays; we’re very excited about this topic, we know lots of you will really enjoy it.
As it is the Easter holidays we are not going to be setting the grid tasks for the next 2 weeks. If you wish to keep doing Rockstars, Mathletics or any of the other great activities that teachers have put on the whole school activities page then please do!!
Have a wonderful Easter - Stay safe and take care!
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak
Hello Year 5!
Ahead is going to be another great week of home learning with some of the fun ideas we've had. All the activities and resources can be found below. We hope you enjoy the next round of activities that you can do at home. Don't forget that lots of other teachers have added activities that you could give a go (Whole School Activites Page and messages below), if you're looking for things to do. Remember to send pictures in of your creations as we like to see what you're up. Remember to have some fun and play at home like cooking, making games and building. Enjoy and stay safe!
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak
Hello Year 5!
We are hope you and your families are all doing well at home. We hope you're enjoying some of the activities we created for you but also having some fun outside; getting a bit of this sunshine. Mrs Holyoak and I have next weeks learning grid ready for you that will be uploaded before Monday morning. We think you'll really enjoy some of the Science we've recommended. For those of you that don't know, a new email and school page has been added to show some of your home learning. Just visit: Children - Our Learning - Whole School Activities.
In case some of you are trying to think of other activities a few new resources have been created by other fantastic people. Have a look if you wish:
Ben Fogle (explorer) is doing a live chat on his youtube channel all about his adventures including climbing Everest and rowing across the Atlantic Ocean - Ben Fogle Adventure Class - at 4pm! You MUST get permission from a parent first.
We are very much missing teaching you, make sure you send in pictures of things you're up to.
Best wishes,
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak
Good Morning Year 5!
A slightly different learning week for us all. Below is the activity grid for Week 1’s home learning across a range of subjects. Don’t forget every morning at 9am Joe Wicks is doing a PE lesson too! Enjoy the activities!
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak 😃