Summer Term
The summer term has now begun and it's not quite what we were expecting. We hope you are keeping yourself well and finding lots of ways to keep yourself busy. The weekly grids and resources will be within each heading below. The slight change this time around is that we would like you to work through it in order, the days of the week are at the top of the grid. We are aware that this learning is very different but all we can ask Year 5, is for you to try to do your best! We have tried to give you as much support as possible with resources and different tasks. We now have an email address for each class so you can send work and questions to us and you will see on the grid (shaded boxes) which pieces of work we'd like to see from you.
Parents, we are aware, like many of our school staff, that some of you are trying to support your child's learning whilst working from home yourselves. This is new ground for us all and we are here to help and support you and your child. We will respond to all emails as soon as we can and hope this new system works smoothly. If there are any concerns, queries or you'd like to share some of things you've being doing with your families please let us know via the class emails.
Asia North - Mrs Holyoak -
Asia South - Miss Bristow -
We hope to see you all soon!
Stay safe and take care.
Miss Bristow and Mrs Holyoak