Mental Wellbeing
Healthier Together Healthier Together is a website and mobile app that has been developed by healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive advice for parents, young people and pregnant women
Chat Health School Nursing Text Message Advice Service
Child and adolescent mental health service (CAMHS) Top tips for managing difficulties experiencing e.g. anxiety.
Resources to boost your child's wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic From Partnership for children.
Childline Support to understand feelings.
Barnardo's: see, hear, respond. Rapid support for children and young people affected by the coronavirus crisis.
What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious From Child mind institute.
Mind Advice and support for anyone experiencing a mental health problem.
Solent Mind Hampshire's leading Mental Health Charity.
Mindfulness Information about mindfulness and an introduction to how to practice mindfulness.
Young Minds Tips on how to talk to your child about coronavirus and other resources.
Young Minds Supporting your child's mental health during the pandemic
Anna Freud. National centre for children and families. Information on the different conditions that might affect children e.g. obsessive compulsive behaviour, attachment, low mood etc.
Beacon House - therapeutic services and trauma team. Link to their services.