Our Values
Our Vision
What does it mean to be part of the Merdon community?
How do our school learning experiences link to our school vision?
We ensure our pupils are ready to learn, make their own decisions and set goals. We encourage pupils to listen to and use guidance from others whilst also finding ways to choose their own approach to learning.
Growth mindset
Our pupils find inspiration in the success of others and approach difficult learning with self-belief. Our pupils view challenge positively and make links between new and previous learning.
Never giving up
Our pupils demonstrate resilience to use a range of different ways to help themselves to see a task through to the end. They recognise feedback as a positive challenge to help them progress in their learning.
Creativity is central to our pupils’ learning experience. They are confident to have a go and express their ideas and use their imagination and make free choices in a variety of situations.
At Merdon, pupils understand the value of being part of a team and the importance of listening. They use communication effectively to share ideas whilst respecting and valuing differences in opinions.
Pupils are reflective about their own and others’ learning. They are constructive in their feedback.
Our Professional Values
Children learn best when they feel safe and secure. The most important responsibility for staff is to safeguard pupils. This is made possible through regular training for all staff members and the use of CPOMS to record any issues relating to safety and wellbeing.
The governing body have a vital role in overseeing the running of the school. Their regular visits and meetings ensure there is a high level of accountability in all aspects of school life.
Evaluation, Assessment and Moderation
Teachers adopt a ‘sit beside’ approach to assessment where both formative and summative assessments are made. Staff meet as a year team to ensure a thorough and consistent approach is taken when assessing. This is followed up with the Senior Leadership Team where key priorities are established for year groups which then informs future teaching and learning.
Teachers engage in weekly staff meetings, INSET training and training led by external agencies to ensure their continuous professional development.
Our Wider Curriculum
Sports and Physical Development
A wide range of extra-curricular opportunities enable children to develop skills pertaining to specific sports. Competitions help to motivate children. Sports are used to promote a healthy lifestyle and mind. Links with ‘Bike it Ray’ support children’s independence and safety in cycling and scooting.
Creative Arts
Peripatetic music lessons are popular throughout the school. Children have the opportunity to be part of the choir. ‘Rock Steady’ provide collaborative music lessons leading to a performance. Hampshire music provide chances to perform throughout the year. Year 3 perform a nativity at Christmas and Year 6 deliver an end of year production.
E-safety messages are delivered through computing lessons and regularly throughout the curriculum. Links for advice are regularly updated on the website and through the weekly newsletter.
Assemblies, Trips and Visits
Assemblies are based around British Values and themes relate to current issues and affairs whilst also celebrating key dates for example Black History Month and Refugee Week.
Pupil Voice
House captains are appointed to meet with the Headteacher to convey and discuss topics relevant to pupils.
Our Curriculum
Topics designed to stimulate enquiry and discovery
Hooks used to engage pupils at the start of the learning journey and promote questioning
Trips, visits and visitors carefully built into the curriculum design to bring learning to life
Outcomes celebrated on the website and shared with parents
English units linked to a variety of high quality texts
Writing has a clear audience, purpose and form
Opportunities to write every day within and outside of the English lesson
Teacher modelling supports development of both composition and spelling, punctuation and grammar
Editing, drafting and re-drafting is embedded as part of the writing process
The habit of reading is developed widely and often for both pleasure and information
Opportunities to deepen thinking through talk in Let’s think in English
A mastery approach is adopted drawing upon concrete, pictorial and abstract methods
Daily opportunities to develop fluency
Regular opportunities to apply learning within a context
Strategies developed for problem-solving
Learning journeys designed to systematically develop skills and knowledge
Opportunities for mathematical dialogue in Let’s Think in Maths.
Let’s Think
Let’s Think lessons are embedded into our curriculum in maths and English.
The pedagogical approaches are applied to the wider curriculum.
Our Pedagogy: High Expectations and Inclusion
Mental Health and Wellbeing
A whole school approach to wellbeing is addressed through ‘Time to Talk’ session.
SENCO, ELSA and FEIPs practitioners highly skilled to support individual pupils
Support Staff
LSA’s deployed to support individuals, groups and whole classes across the school.
Support staff form a vital part of the teaching team in each year group.
Vulnerability and Disadvantage
A culture of high expectations for all and belief that all disadvantaged pupils are capable of overcoming their personal barriers to succeed.
Special Educational Needs
An inclusive approach is taken to ensure all children are able to access their learning through close collaboration with families and external agencies.
Our Subject Curriculum
The delivery encourages learners to develop as scientists and make links in learning.
Practical tasks and investigations are used to secure understanding and reinforce skills of scientific investigation.
Pupils learn about the different types of scientist as well as significant scientific figures.
Geography at Merdon encourages pupils to have an interest and enthusiasm for discovery for the world around them and develop awareness of diverse landscapes across the world.
The children are provided with opportunities and experiences to work geographically and develop their awe and wonder of the world around them.
Children develop their understanding of the history of Britain and the changes that have taken place over time and the impact of different groups.
A picture is developed of how life today came to be and the journey that has taken place to get here.
Children develop their understanding of chronology and ability to compare life in Britain to other parts of the world.
Art and Design
Art and Design stimulates creativity, imagination and invention.
Through skills, ideas and the awareness of how children can express themselves, Art gives all children a voice.
Art and Design enables children to express themselves in a creative, imaginative manner and through exploration.
Creating and performing music is enjoyed on a regular basis, by all children.
All children learn the skills to listen, respond, create, rehearse and perform confidently.
They develop a deep understanding and appreciation for different types of music in different cultures.
Design and Technology
Design and Technology is an inspiring, inventive and practical subject in which pupils are able to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems, within a variety of contexts.
Pupils are encouraged to draw upon both their acquired DT skills and their prior knowledge from across the wider curriculum.
Computing lessons build children’s confidence and prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly changing technological world.
Children become digitally literate and use a wide range of ICT tools across the curriculum
E-safety is embedded in computing lessons and addressed in wider subjects.
Physical Education
At Merdon we recognise the importance of daily physical activity. All children engage in physical activity and are encouraged to try new sports and find activities they love.
A positive ethos is built towards increasing participation as we understand the positive impact that physical activity and school sport has on children and their future successes.
Religious Education
Children develop understanding and respect towards religions and engage in effective and meaningful discussions.
Religious Education is taught through concepts, comparing and contrasting what this means for different religions and then reflecting on what it also means to children individually.
PSHE teaches the fundamental building blocks for children to be safe, healthy and happy.
Children explore characteristics of positive relationships.
Children learn how to keep healthy through the exploration of wellbeing strategies and health and hygiene lessons.
Learning a language equips pupils to express themselves in new ways, helping to develop their immediate sense of belonging to the wider world and starting to prepare them for future opportunities in modern life. Through songs, rhymes and games our children are taught the French language, and the rich cultural heritage of France.
Outdoor Learning
The outdoors enhances, inspires and engages learning across the curriculum. It stimulates creativity, problem solving and confidence whilst having a positive impact on their well-being. It develops their sense of self and allows children to recognise their independence.
Relationships Education teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults.
Children should learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, human sexuality and sexual health in an age-appropriate way.
Relationship Education helps children to be safe, healthy and happy, both as they grow, and in their future lives.