Rockstar Times Tables

We fully promote the importance of all children being able to recall and apply their knowledge of times tables. To engage with the target set in the National Curriculum of ‘By the end of year 4, pupils should have memorised their multiplication tables up to and including the 12 multiplication table and show precision and fluency in their work' we have chosen to use Rockstars Times tables. This is a carefully sequenced programme of daily practice of times tables.
All children across the school listen to Rock music while completing their Rockstar Times Table practice questions including both division and multiplication. Our Teachers carefully choose which times tables they would like their class to focus on depending on their needs and year group. A timer is set on the board at three minutes and the children record their completed time and score each day. We celebrate individual achievement in improving scores or times each day and also work as a class team to collectively improve across the week. In our weekly celebration assembly the children share a recorded video with the school announcing the class winners based upon improvement, with a class party for the class that makes the most progress across the term.