Hampshire Information Book Award
We will be looking at a range of information books over the next two weeks and using them to inspire our work.
Go Green
This book is all about learning how to reduce, reuse and recycle waste. The children have written abecedarius poems (A to Z) to encourage everyone to be more green!
Polar Bear - killer king of the Arctic
Polar bears are under threat - we wanted to do something to help them. We wondered if it would be possible for Year 4 to adopt a Polar bear! We have written to Mrs Martin to ask her and await her reply!
How to be Extraordinary
The children produced a fact file about an extraordinary person and then had to make one about themselves and how they may be extraordinary!
Our first book is Red Alert - this features information about 15 endangered animals fighting to survive.
The children have produced posters to inform people about the dangers faced by the animals.
This half term our text is Monster Slayer by Brian Pattern. This story is based on the Anglo-Saxon poem about Beowulf. The children will be writing their own version of the story featuring a beast and a hero that they have created.
Publishing the story