Year 4
Year 4 have had a great week learning about Sikhism.
We started by watching some videos created by the BBC in which a Sikh girl introduced us to her family and her life as a Sikh. We thought about what each of us had in common with her and how we would welcome her to our school if she were to come to join our class. We wrote her a welcoming letter, reassuring her that she would love our school.
We then learnt about the basic principles of Sikhism. One member of our class is Sikh so she was able to share lots of her experiences and beliefs to us. It is always great to have an expert among us!
On Thursday, we visited the Sikh Gurdwara in Southampton where we were welcomed with warmth and kindness. We were shown around the temple and then given a delicious meal of lentils and rice.
We enjoyed an afternoon of Sikh art on Friday to finish an informative and fun week of learning.